Product Information

Compare with(Teaching assistant.)

Difference between conventional robot teaching software and our teaching software developed exclusively for TAKUBO ENGINEERING original coating robot, SOFTBOY PRO series

Original development only for coating, the difference

Difference from other companies
Difference from other companies

Robot software developed for coating only

Difference between other companies’ coating robots and TAKUBO ENGINEERING coating robots is difference between general-purpose robots and dedicated coating robots. In general, general-purpose robot is customized to use for coating so that it is not possible to solve the issues of paint consumption and coating cost reduction or to pursue coating film performance and thickness at the same time.
In case of TAKUBO ENGINEERING robots such as SOFTBOY series, LINE DANCER and SWAN, all equipment including peripheral devices is systemized so that it is possible to pursue important various kinds of coating requirement by high-grade control with the original teaching software.

Comparison of robot operation screen

Comparison of robot operation screen
Comparison of robot operation screen

In case of General-purpose robot, it is basically operated by only teaching pendant. Since TAKUBO ENGINEERING robot has a general PC, it is possible to operate by both teaching pendant and PC screen.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Poor operability because of only teaching pendant
    Comparison of operating environment
    Comparison of operating environment
  • Lack of workability in editing and modification because of small setting screen


  • Great operability and higher workability because of use of both teaching pendant and PC screen
    Use of both teaching pendant and PC screen
    Use of both teaching pendant and PC screen
  • Possible to operate in looking at PC screen

Comparison of robot teaching operability

Comparison of robot teaching operability
Comparison of robot teaching operability

Because it is developed and designed only for coating, TAKUBO ENGINEERING robot is much easier to use with PTP package (software) compared to PTP teaching of General-purpose coating robot.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Difficult workability to edit and modify because of PTP teaching
  • Expert knowledge such as robot language is necessary in order to operate the robot


  • Higher coating workability with easy data editing and modification because of PTP package-software
  • Dedicated pack teaching software never requires any expert knowledge such as robot language

Comparison of coating data creation and editing

Comparison of coating data creation and editing
Comparison of coating data creation and editing

In robot coating teaching, repetition of coating test, revision, coating test, revision and checking is a basic work. Workability to edit and revise is very important in such work environment. In case of general-purpose software, it takes a long time with difficult editing workability because it is not developed for coating. Since it takes time and effort in finding existing data and in deciding which data to edit, the coating cost increases as a result.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Regarding registration of coating conditions such as spraying condition, it is not easy because you must register each time you set it up.
  • When you want to edit the teaching data, it is very troublesome because you must call and save it each time you create revised data.


  • Higher workability because you can directly register each spraying condition into track data
    Coating data creation and editing
    Coating data creation and editing
  • Possible to edit and revise the data sensually and intuitively
  • Possible to pursue high-grade coating film in exhibiting and extracting the paint performance more than enough
  • 無駄な塗料使用量の削減に大きく貢献する。

Comparison of coating data management

Comparison of coating data management
Comparison of coating data management

Whether is it possible or not to manage the coating data suitable for coating film traceability? Now it is an era to manage coating films.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Every time you paint, the painting data is accumulated without any grouping.
  • Hard to manage the coating data.


  • Easy to search and call the data with good workability because of the coating data list and grouping.
  • Possible to save picture and image by work component for data management. Easy to manage as history.

Comparison of spray-condition revision and paint-supply device

Comparison of spray-condition revision and paint-supply device
Comparison of spray-condition revision and paint-supply device

One of the very important peripheral equipment is paint pump. TAKUBO ENGINEERING coating robot is controlling a systemized paint pump with high-grade control system.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Basically paint pump is another order. Additional programing is separately necessary to control the pump.
  • Diaphragm pump : Pumped by the air-driven pump, so there must be a pulsation. Impossible to control paint volume by 1 cc unit.
  • Gear pump : Suitable to supply high viscosity paint. Hard to control by 1 cc unit.


  • Pump is already attached on the robot and also connected in control between them.
    Explosion-proof type Syringe pump
    Explosion-proof type Syringe pump
  • Syringe pump : Possible to control by 1 cc unit. Supplying paint precisely receiving signals from the robot.
  • Possible to reduce waste paint consumption.
  • One set of robot and pump realizes Visualization of paint.

Comparison of coating system

Comparison of coating system
Comparison of coating system

The big difference between other company’s robots and TAKUBO ENGINEERING coating robot is whether it is systemized or not systemized. Also the important factor of coating production is whether you can use as a tool of coating work or not. TAKUBO systemizes necessary devices (peripheral equipment) connecting by control so that users could pursue much better coating film, cost and environment issues.

General-purpose coating robot

  • Unstable coating because of gathering-up of multi-purpose products
  • Not possible to make an engineering construction
  • Not possible to take unified management of coating film development adapted to the era, countermeasures of cost and environmental issues.
  • Small coating production volume because one robot has only few loading spray guns.


  • All of the peripheral equipment is connected by high-grade control and thoughts of coating production.
  • Possible to instantly respond to the requirement of new paint or coating films adapted to the era.
  • Lots of loading spray guns.
  • Coating production volume per one robot is big, and also it has a large production adjustment range.

A Pub. Date: May 19, 2017

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