
SOFTBOY/Data-Pro Lineup


A new addition to our lineup of cost-saving SOFTBOY coating data generation products.

The Data-Pro improves on the data generation methods used on conventional production lines by separating the data generating robot from the actual line. The industry's first coating robot system designed specifically for generating coating data, it was developed to provide an accurate determination of coating costs. Now it is possible to work out the coating cost with a new level of precision, taking into account factors such as the jig configuration, coating method, and coating usage volume.


  • Coating data can be generated without the need to shut down the production line for long periods.
  • The coating data generated is compatible with the Super Spindle system.
  • Suitable for all types of work, including mobile phone handsets and mobile devices of various types.
  • Makes possible high-quality coating at low cost.


Custom Automatic Gun
Digitize your coating data!
Linking plants throughout the world using digital communications.
Using digital coating data makes it possible to share data among robots located in different locations all over the world. This makes possible high-level production capabilities for stable quality and lower costs.

Compatible with the N-DACS21 integrated coating control system.
  • The N-DACS21 provides centralized control over all steps, from coating design through coating data generation, coating mixing, and production coating.
  • Using digital data makes it possible to eliminate color variations between plants and implement an efficient coating supply system.
  • Softboy Pro leads the competition as a coating system for the 21st century.

N-DACS21 integrated coating control system
Step 1 : Creation of Color Design
Step 2 : Test Coating: Data Creation (Data Pro)
Step 3 : Determination of Color Design (Digital Tuning)
Step 4 : Automatic Mixing and Production of Coating
Step 5 : Volume Production Coating (Super Spindle)
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